
"工资”用英语怎么说 “工资”用英文可以表达为salary,wage 。

  1. 雇主和罢工者在工资问题上相持不下 。
    The employers and strikers had deadlocked over the wage.
  2. 他几乎没有注意听讲些什么 , 但当提到工资时 , 他却侧耳细听 。
    He was barely listening until the salary was mentioned. Then he pricked up his ears.
  3. 资方对工人的要求作出反应 , 答应从四月份起增加工资 。
    The management reacted to the demand of workers by increasing their wages since April.
  4. 他们每月从工资中扣下30%来建立一项特殊的基金 。
    They keep back 30% of their wages for a special fund.
  5. 他们从我的工资中扣下80元钱交工会会费 。
    They kept back 80 dollars from my wages for trade union membership dues.
  6. 他的工资够养活三口人 。
    His wages are adequate to support three people.

“工资”用英文怎么说 各项工资明细
Detailed salary

Detailed salary
如何用英语说人员工资(月工资) lz , 很高兴为您解答 。 工资英文是wage 薪水的英文是salary 望采纳
用英语怎么说 , 工资太低 什么时候发工资 用英语
When to hand out salaries?
工资水平的英文怎么说 发工资
发工资用英语怎么说 the wage/pay level; the wage standard 工资水平(标准)
The benefits to China of rising wage levels and productivity are clear.提高工资水平和劳动生产率对中国的益处显而易见 。
Accordingly, the salary inside probation cannot under minimum wage standard. 因此 , 试用期内的工资不能低于最低工资标准 。
With the development of the reform in economic system compensationmanagement will be part of enterprise strategies, and the pay level will be decided by both employees and employers. 随着经济体改革的推进 , 国有企业劳动报酬管理将成为企业战略的组成部分 , 工资水平由企业和劳动者协商决定 , 劳动报酬将货币化 , 差距会进一步拉开 。
什么时候发工资 用英语怎么说 工资太低

salary is too low更多释义>>


工资太低 Underpaying;Low wages;low salary
他抱怨工资太低 。 He complained of being underpaid.
而我的工资太低 My salary is too low
“工资”和“薪水”用英文分别怎么说? salary
按月发放的工资 , 但一般是按年计算 。
a fixed amount of money agreed every year as pay for an employee, usually paid directly into his or her bank account every month

an amount of money that is paid to an employee, esp. for each hour worked

a system of payment based on a percentage of the value of sales or other business done, or a payment to someone working under such a system
各项工资明细用英语怎么说 工资:fee、earnings、wage、allowance、income、pay、salary .
工资 [gōng zī]   在例句中比较 
词性:n. wage    vt. salary 
例句:The employers and strikers had deadlocked over the wage. 雇主和罢工者在工资问题上相持不下 。   
fee, earnings, wage, allowance, income, pay, salary 这组词都有“工资、收入”的意思 , 其区别是:
  1. fee:指提供某种服务收取的固定费用;
  2. earnings:多指通过劳动或投资等手段所得到的收入;
  3. wage:多用复数形式 , 指按小时、日或星期的报酬 , 通常指体力劳动者的工资;
  4. allowance:指收入中的补贴部分;
  5. income :与earnings含义很相近 , 但前者强调总收入;
  6. 【学习知识|工资用英语怎么说,固定工资英语怎么说】
